Friday, July 24, 2009

Change Your FUEL, Change the World

“Change your fuel, change the world” has been Josh Tickell’s message for decades now.

A special screening of the multi-award winning documentary
FUEL was hosted by Green Earth Media in downtown Honolulu at the Neal S Blaisdell Concert Hall.

I was one of hundreds who came to the event to witness this powerful portrait on America’s overwhelming addition to oil.

In his work, Tickell presents a “virtual tour guide through the drama of fuel: the history; the politics; the mess that the world is in and the fascinating alternatives for a way out.” He travels the country interviewing politicians, professors, historians and celebrities alike offering a wide ranging and comprehensive look at energy in America.

FUEL is a phenomenal depiction of the social movement that is currently taking place across the planet.

It is a shocking and eye-opening look at the American mindset toward alternative energy and is starkly contrasted to the advanced European commitment to ending its oil dependence altogether.

Fundamental in the film is the notion that even as individuals, we can make a difference. Hope also plays a pivotal role in the film, as renewable solutions are indeed within reach.

Watch the FUEL trailer here

FUEL Director and star Tickell and producer/fiancée Rebecca Harrell attended the event and following the presentation of the film the audience participated in a discussion/Q&A.

Tickell and Harrell began by first asking the audience what they got out of the film.

“Hope! Truth! Accountability! Need to make a change! Stoked!” were all answers shouted out by different individuals.

The most promising thing that I took away from the discussion was that
FUEL’s team will condense the movie down to a 35 minute short and offer it as an educational cut for schools around the country.

More importantly, their mission as a non-profit would be to offer this video for free.

They also hope to accompany the film with a green curriculum to explain the details of what you can do now. Find out more at: The Veggie Van Organization.

1,2,3,4 Action!

1) Request a screening at a theater by you!
2) Go and see the film
3) Vote for “Non-Fossil” politicians
4) Change Your Fuel, Change the world- Go Carbon Neutral!
- change your transportation, buy solar, wind and invest in algae!


GBsWorld said...

Will be posted on site soon!

GBsWorld said...

now up and live