Tuesday, May 12, 2009

More Travels...

...are on the horizon and I could not be happier to have the freedom and wonderful friends and family to be able to do so. So thank you to all of you who make my life so special and offer me unique opportunities like these =D

June 17-
Depart Charlotte at 9:30 am
Arrive Honolulu at 3:00 pm

June 30-
Depart Honolulu at 7:00 am
Arrive Los Angeles at 3:30 pm

July 8-
Depart Los Angeles at 1:20 pm
Arrive Charlotte at 9:00 pm

So excited to visit California for the first time ever! I will get a chance to see San Diego and hopefully a few other parts of the "Golden State" as well.

I will be skydiving in Hawaii and crossing out a number of other things on the "Before 30 Bucket List."

This trip also gives me enough frequent flyer miles for a free ticket to anywhere in the world! I'm thinking Europe-for the second time around- and getting to spend some time with old friends in their native country of Holland... more on that later... Until then, be well yall.


Monday, May 4, 2009

Before 30 Bucket List

In a few days I will be off traveling again and will be doing a significant amount of it in the next two or three months. Most notably, I will be going to meet up with my former roommate from Boston, Tyas. Known as Mr. Van Boston, Tyas and I had a blast during our brief tenure in Beantown together.

After he finished his classes, T set off traveling the continental US, hitting hot spots such as New York, LA, Miami, Vegas, SF- he is trying to pack in as much as possible during his last few weeks... His current and my impeding travels have got me thinking, "what else do I want to do and see before I turn 30?"

So, without further adieu, here are SOME of the tasks on my "Before 30 Bucket List"

1) Complete a food challenge
3) Visit New Zealand (*the list of countries to visit is over 20)
5) Go Skydiving
13) Own a motorcycle
14) Go to a music festival
16) Live on an island
18) Party with a Celebrity
25) Live on a boat
28) Complete a triathlon
36) Grow something
45) Hitch hike
51) Drive on the Autobahn
53) Learn to sail
56) Play with a monkey
62) Tango
68) Ride a bull
70) Break a World Record
71) Take a StrongMan tequila shot
77) Grow a grizzly beard
79) Drink a $100+ bottle of wine
82) Cross country road trip
91) Drive a T-Rex
100) Go to a World Cup